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A member registered Apr 02, 2020

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Even using the web Bitmap Fonts.js version and replacing BitmapFontManager.loadAllBitmapFonts with a NO-OP the game is stuck on the loading screen, while it does work if I do this from the game's file.

For some reason replacing the bitmap loading functions with a NO-OP yesterday only broke text on the menu (didn't try after that) but with your file it gets stuck on the loading screen without making any other requests, I don't even understand how this can be related… The only messages in the console are about pixi.js and I think it did print them with the NO-OP.

Wow, thank you, I'll try it now. Your second link seems broken though.

It seems the Bitmap Fonts.js plugin uses nwjs functions extensively (filesystem access), I don't know javascript enough to convert it to a hardcoded list and web requests.

If the game uses nw.js you can often extract it, patch it in one place (the main web page generally) and use darkhttpd or another web server to run it with a regular web browser, I'll see if it's possible, but I would really prefer a real GNU/Linux version.